
モーソンレイクス・フェローシップ・プログラム (MLFP) は、優等学位課程や大学院課程で都市開発や都市計 画、アーバン・デザイン、環境マネジメント分野を学ぶ日豪の若手研究者や学生に対し、双方の国で最大 6 ヵ 月間の留学機会を提供するプログラムです。

MLFP を選ぶ理由
  • 新たなアカデミック機会を発見できる
  • 申請プロジェクトで世界トップレベルの国際的な研究者たちと連携できる
  • 外国語能力を向上できる
  • 新たな見解や研究手法、研究技術を発掘できる
  • 今後の研究やキャリア形成の強化につながる
  • 交換留学と個人研究の遂行を可能にする留学資金を受給できる

  • 南オーストラリア州の受給者には、最大で22,000 豪ドル(2013 年時)が給付されます。
  • 日 本 の 受 給 者 には、最大で18,000 豪 ド ル (2013 年時)が給付されます。
  • スカラシップ給付は、6 ヵ月の留学期間中に発生する渡航費、宿泊施設代、食費、学生ビザ費用、健康・旅行保険料およびその他費用の支援充当を目的としています。
  • 6 ヵ月以下の留学の場合、期間に応じた給付がなされます。
  • 交換留学希望者は、通常、必要な学費を母国の在籍機関に納入することで、受入先機関への授業 料納付が免除されます。




応募者は申請時に、留学希望先大学を指定する必要があります。スカラシップの給付は、受入先大学の受 け入れを条件とします。


Exchange candidates will be funded to undertake programs or projects that will form part of their research in progress at their home institution. The program encourages applications from:

  • (i) undergraduate honours students
  • (ii) postgraduate HDR students
  • (iii) early career researchers who are interested in continuing or developing academic links with Japan (Australian-based staff) and Australia (Japanese-based staff).

Please note for the purposes of this program early career researchers are defined as academic staff who have completed their PhD within the last ten years.

South Australian Applicants

This program is open to both Domestic (Australian) and International students studying in Australia.

Students must still be in the process of completing their degree when they undertake the program (i.e. it cannot be undertaken at the end of the degree).

Students undertaking honours, masters by research or doctoral studies in a relevant discipline in the areas of urban innovation at Flinders University, the University of Adelaide or the University of South Australia.

Junior members of academic staff who have completed their PhD in the last ten years and with research interests in these areas will also be considered.

Japanese Applicants

Undertaking honours, masters by research or doctoral studies in a relevant discipline in the areas of urban innovation at Waseda University, University of Tsukuba or University of Nagoya University.

Junior members of academic staff who have completed their PhD in the last ten years and with research interests in these areas will also be considered. Japanese candidates would normally be required to meet the English language requirements of the three South Australia universities.

View English entry requirements at Flinders UniversityThe University of AdelaideThe University of South Australia.


Thank you for your interest in applying for a Mawson Lakes Fellowship Program Scholarship.

Please see the application form for study in Japan here.

Please see the application form for study in South Australia here . 

Please email your application form and supporting documentation to the University of Adelaide’s Global Engagement Branch at globalengagement@adelaide.edu.au. Should you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact us via globalengagement@adelaide.edu.au and we will get back to you shortly. 

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